In this guide:
- Using the match overview panel
- Finding matches in the document
- Navigating through sources matches
- Viewing paper match details
Using the match overview panel
The similarity match overview can be found in the right-side panel of the document window; it provides a list of all the source matches that have been found within a paper, ordered by highest similarity match to lowest.
Finding matches in the document
Select a source in the match overview side panel to locate the highlighted match within the document. You can use the number and color identifiers to easily link the highlighted text in the document to the source in the match overview side panel.
Navigating through source matches
Sometimes there are multiple instances of text matching the same source. Selecting a source will display each of its associated matches within the match overview side panel; you can freely navigate through them using the forward and back arrows. However, if there is only one match linked to a source, the arrows will be disabled.
Viewing paper match details
The account administrator can decide what details are shown when one of your uploaded matches content in your organization's private database. The default is set to show no information. They can change a setting which will give you access to basic information of the author of the original submission.
- Select a source.
When this option is enabled, any matches will appear in the Sources Overview panel as 'Submitted works'. By default the source will be open on the Source view. This shows an exert of the submission with the matching text highlighted. The Details view will show the following information:
- The name of the student who submitted the file
- The student's email
- The date the file was uploaded
- The assignment (if submitting through web based Turnitin this will be class or folder)
- The submission title
- Select View Full Text to see the entire submission with the matching text highlighted.
If you do not have access to this repository then the text and details will not display.