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Content portal

The content portal is only available for Crossref Similarity Check customers.

Crossref Similarity Check users who are administrators will have access to the content portal. To access the portal, select Content from the side menu.

Using the portal Understanding the report

The content portal will display all the publishers connected to your account. This tool will allow you to view how much of your content has been successfully indexed and is now searchable. It will also allow you to self diagnose the content that has failed to be indexed through the Error Report.

The columns for each publisher show the number of content items indexed, the number of items that are pending, the number of items that have failed, and the successfully indexed percentage.


Select the arrow to the left of the publisher’s name to expand the information.


The expanded information includes the DOI prefix unique to the publisher.

Select Download to download the Error Report to your device. The Error Report only contain the content items that failed to be indexed. The report will be a .csv file.

The report will only download up to 500,000 lines.

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