Welcome to iThenticate’s new website for guidance.
In 2024 we migrated our comprehensive library of iThenticate and Crossref Similarity Check guidance from https://help.turnitin.com/ithenticate to this new site, guides.ithenticate.com.
What's new?
iThenticate guidance now has its own dedicated area for help content
Previously, iThenticate and Crossref users would go to help.turnitin.com to get their help content. This site contained content for many of Turnitin's products. We decided that it would be a better user experience for our iThenticate and Crossref users if they had their own dedicated guidance site.
No more duplicated content
Previously, we had separate sections for Crossref Similarity Check and iThenticate 2.0. This is no longer the case. Crossref Similarity Check is built on the same platform as iThenticate 2.0 and shares the same features and functionality. To make the user experience clearer, Crossref Similarity Check and iThenticate 2.0 guidance will be the same. If there are every areas in our guides where the two products diverge, these guides will contain clear direction to help our users understand the differences.
In a similar vein, for iThenticate 1.0, we will no longer have separate guidance for Individual and Organisational accounts. The differences between these two account types will contain clear direction from within the guides to help our users.
Our guidance search has greatly improved
As a result of creating a dedicated area for iThenticate and Crossref guides and removing duplicated content, our search functionality has greatly improved. Use the search bar at the top of any page to locate the guidance you’re searching for.
Where can I find my frequently used pages?
Use the table below as a cheatsheet to quickly locate guidance.
What you're looking for | Where to find it |
The Similarity Report guidance | The Similarity Report |
Administrator account settings | Administrator hub |
iThenticate's release notes page | Release notes |
Account basics (logging in, setting up, etc.) | Account basics |
iThenticate 2.0 API guidance | Custom API scope creation |
File and folder managerment guidance | Managing files and folders |
iThenticate 1.0 (classic) guidance | Classic iThenticate |