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Managing exclusions and filters in the new, enhanced Similarity Report

In this guide:


Use filters to customize the report to display or hide certain matches and sources, depending on their relevance to your review. For example, checking the Exclude bibliography filter will hide all matches found in the bibliography or list of references typically found at the end of a submission. 

Applying filters

  1. To view filtering options, select the Filters button located in the top right of the right-side panel, to the right of the overall similarity.
  2. Use the checkboxes to change the filter setting. All match criteria and databases are included by default, unless otherwise specified in assignment settings.
    Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9.27.52 AM.png
  3. Select Back to Similarity Report to view the overall similarity panel with the applied filters.


Exclude specific matches or sources to remove them from the score.

Excluding a match

  1. While in the Match Groups list, select a highlight in the submission or a source card from the list.
  2. Choose the Exclude button that appears next to the selected text in the submission or in the source card.

Excluding a source

  1. Navigate to the Sources list.
  2. Select a highlight in the document to bring that source into focus in the right-side panel; or choose a source card from the list in the right-side panel.
    Exclude Source.png
  3. Choose the Exclude icon in the source card to exclude all matches to that particular source from the report.

Viewing and modifying exclusions

Whenever exclusions are applied, the number of exclusions will appear directly beneath the overall similarity.
Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11.19.03 AM.png

  1. Selecting this link will display the complete list of excluded items.
    Exclusions_Include Source.png
  2. From this list, you can choose to restore an individual match or source by selecting the Include icon, or you can restore an entire category of exclusions by choosing the Include All button for that category.
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